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A Tale Of Two State: One Immature And Fearful, The Other Mature And Prudent

When Covid-19 first erupted on the world stage in early 2020, it was an unknown entity. Even doctors were perplexed by this new viral illness. However, as time went on, we learned a lot about its lethality and how it spread. It seems ages since we heard "Fifteen days to stop the spread" by the so-called experts.

Today, we are in a situation where we have two philosophies of how to deal with Covid. Two states exemplify the difference; Florida in the U.S. and Victoria in Australia. Victoria is almost double the area of Florida in square kilometres but has less than one-third the population. Hence, its population density is much lower.

One significant difference between Florida and Victoria is that Florida has a high percentage of seniors over 65, totalling 4.1 million––the highest state in America. Florida has always been a mecca for retirees from the northern states and Canada because of its warm climate. Of course, those over 65 are the most vulnerable to Covid-19, especially if they have a pre-existing condition. Victoria, in comparison, has a much lower number of seniors totalling 925,000. Victoria also has the advantage of being part of Australia, an island nation isolated from other countries. So comparing the two concerning cases and mortality is a bit like comparing apples with oranges. We can, however, compare government policies.

The current attitude by the leaders of the two states couldn't be starker. Governor Ron DeSantis decided some time ago to give Floridians the right to determine how they want to live their lives. There are no vaccination mandates and no lockdowns; people can go outdoors and enjoy activities in the Floridian sun.

In late June, DeSantis signed a bill prohibiting companies from mandating vaccination for people to keep their jobs. He also removed mask mandates. His attitude was to wear a mask if you want and get a shot if you wish to; it's your personal choice. Meanwhile, he encouraged the use of early treatments such as monoclonal antibodies.

Recently, DeSantis picked a new Surgeon General for the state, Dr Joseph Lapado. Lapado stated, "Florida will completely reject fear as a way of making policies in public health. So we're done with fear." Talk about a breath of fresh air! Lapado also stated that "The state should promote good health, and vaccination was not the only path to it."

I call Florida a state with a mature and prudent attitude, treating its citizens with respect. The Florida policy does not belittle the fact that, for some, cases of Covid-19 can be severe.

On the other hand, we have the state of Victoria, whose politicians and health bureaucrats have behaved in a totalitarian way, trying to bludgeon its citizens into submission. Victoria is displaying all the characteristics of a police state. Freedom gets lost, all in the name of a virus that kills only 0.4% of the population. Some 75% of the deaths are elderly with pre-existing conditions.

Images and videos of the Victorian police state were transmitted worldwide. Police bowled over a 70-year-old woman to the pavement, then an officer pepper-spraying her in the face. Then there was a video of police coming behind a man in a shopping mall and slamming him to the floor for no reason. The other disturbing images were of police firing rubber bullets at protestors in downtown Melbourne. Many are in disbelief that this is happening in Australia. Also, the police have commenced monitoring social media and even phone communication to surveil people who could be "inciting" protests. The Australian federal government sanctions this policy.

Making matters worse, Premier Dan Andrews stated, "There will be a vaccinated economy, and you can participate in it if you are vaccinated. We will move to block people who are not vaccinated." Andrews also indicated that he would introduce a vaccine passport in regional Victoria. One would not be able to enter pubs and restaurants without one. The immaturity of Victorian leadership is in full display. There is an emotional appeal to fear, which in itself renders one more prone to illness. Victoria is treating its citizens like uninformed idiots.

One state––Florida––has chosen freedom, where people can make their own choices; the other––Victoria––, the cessation of civil rights.

In 1955, journalist Milton Mayer wrote a book; They Thought They Were Free - The Germans, based on his investigation of what transpired in 1930's Germany. Mayer detailed how gradually the government detached itself from the people as time went on, leading to Hitler's totalitarian regime. Remember, Hitler came to power through democratic elections.

The lessons are there; how easily the government can stomp on democratic principles. The result is passivity and detachment by the populace. Most give up. Victoria is a prime example of how rapidly this can happen.


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