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What Is The Covid-19 End Game? 5 Possible Scenarios.

How naive it seems we were back in February 2020. Covid had arrived, and most thought it would be a "flash in the pan". After all, we were told that it would wane within weeks. Now here we are 19 months later, and it feels as if we never had a life without Covid.

Our politicians and health "experts" told us for some time to do such and such, and life will get back to normal. We keep hearing the same mantra as vaccine mandates are forced on people worldwide. Lockdowns abound in places like Australia, and mask-wearing is still encouraged like some badge of honour. It's just a tad unbelievable.

So where are we really going? What does the future look like? What is the endgame? Let me lay out five scenarios:

1. The Vaccines Eliminate The Disease

The so-called vaccines are not really vaccines, but I will call them so. We now know that these vaccines are very ineffective. At best, they provided some protection for the alpha variant, but Alpha is gone, and countries are dealing with the Delta variant. Cases continue to climb despite the vaccine, yet the media's talking points and politicians are about eliminating the virus.

The virus will not be eliminated. It will be endemic, and we will deal with it like any other respiratory illness.

2. The Vaccine Program Is Stopped

By now, virtually everyone knows someone who has suffered some form of vaccine reaction from the jabs. Doctors and nurses are seeing people with strokes, myocarditis, neuropathies, Guillan-Barre Syndrome (paralysis), Bells Palsy (facial paralysis), Migraines, Tinnitus, and the lists are almost endless. The VAERS reporting system in America currently lists well over 15,000 deaths and approaching a million reports of adverse events.

The actual cases are much higher as many are not reported since the system is voluntary. As vaccination approaches 80 to 90 per cent, one would think that the authorities would stop the worst vaccine program in history. Many reputable doctors are speaking out about the massive worldwide vaccination program. Unfortunately, I don't believe a stoppage is likely. On the contrary, the push is for more, not less, with boosters shots taking place in some countries.

3. Governments Relent And Approve Early Treatment Therapies

The medical-bureaucratic state has trashed virtually every early therapeutic option for the past 19 months, despite overwhelming international evidence that drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are highly effective.

One thing the whole Covid experience shows is that vested interests are really more important than your health. The illusion of caring about your health is the manipulative weapon that governments use to invoke societal control.

Approving early treatments with or without the jab would be ideal because, as we see, the injections do not confer immunity. When most people contract and successfully overcome Covid-19, then Covid becomes just another endemic illness, much like influenza.

4. The Virus Continues To Mutate And Is Unstoppable

There is evidence that the "vaccines" are driving the mutants. This is not surprising and is based on science. Drugs in any form can cause viral or bacterial mutations, which become highly resistant superbugs. In many hospitals, one of these––MRSA infections––are quite problematic.

In this scenario, the repeated booster injections would allow new variants to keep cropping up, and we would be caught in a perpetual state of "chasing our tails". This is likely to enhance the strength of the virus. Despite pronouncements to the contrary, right now, the Delta variant is wreaking havoc in some countries.

5. Covid-19 Evolves Into The Great Reset

If you talk about the Great Reset you will be called a conspiracy theorist; opposed to any form of government control. On the contrary, the Great Reset is already set in motion. The people involved are telling us in their own words. By now, everyone knows about Bill Gates' nefarious intentions. However, we should listen to what the globalists are telling us.

Klaus Schwab, head of The World Economic Forum, is literally stating his goal in his book, COVID-19: The Great Reset:

"We will see how contact tracing has an unequalled capacity and a quasi-essential place in the armoury needed to combat COVID-19, while at the same time being positioned to become an enabler of mass surveillance."

Even the New South Wales Chief Health Officer recently stated that contact tracing is about the "New World Order".

Many are now realizing that the masks, vaccines, and lockdowns were never about Covid. It was about submission and dividing society by employing indoctrination. Did we ever think we would be having contact tracing apps and vaccine passports? These are becoming a reality and will morph into the New World Order. Right now, the globalists are planning to implement government-run digital currencies. With such a system government can control your money and also your socially "responsible" behaviour.

Catherine Fitts, the former undersecretary of Housing and Urban Development in America, explains it succinctly:

If you think this is conspiratorial, think back to 2019. Did you ever think we would be at this place? Probably not. If the process keeps unfolding, the conversion to the Chinese Communist value system will be complete.


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