These last two years, with the uproar about Covid-19, we've lost sight of something quite vital; your inner health. The focus has been on disease and the fear factor. My observation is that many are fearful of contracting Covid. Because of the narrative promoted by the media, some people actually think they will die if they get Covid. This has recently been exacerbated because the injections do not stop people from contracting the Delta variant or landing in the hospital. So what do people do?
While Covid can progress to a severe stage, the fact is that it is not fatal for the vast majority of people. In fact, if you look at the data from the whole world, the survival rate for Covid-19 is 98%. That includes some of the most impoverished countries in the world. Ironically, some of those countries have lower rates of Covid-19 than the United States.
I have noticed an interesting phenomenon since the start of this pandemic. Medical researchers use the term Innate Immunity, the first line of defence that the body uses to fight off foreign invaders through chemicals, secretions, and certain types of white blood cells. When I was studying in chiropractic college 50 years ago, the medical community did not use, Innate Immunity.
There is, however, a term that has been used in chiropractic since its discovery in 1895. That term is Innate Intelligence. This intelligence is the wisdom that runs your body, and it has a self-healing mechanism. It regulates and coordinates the vast array of functions within you and directs healing if you injure yourself, such as cutting a finger or getting a cold or flu. Your immune system is an innate based system. Sometimes, if the body is run down, it may need some help, but by and large, it does a terrific job each moment you are alive.
Unfortunately, through the messaging of the mass media, politicians and the medical establishment, there is a fear-based plan to make people feel like they are victims of a virus. The fear is such that people are desperate to do anything to avoid the Coronavirus. If we recognize that the body has a terrific self-healing mechanism, we wouldn't be in a fearful state. If you want to influence human behaviour, fear is an excellent way to do it. Of course, the solution we are told is mass vaccination. This fear makes people rush headlong to get an injection, not questioning whether it's effective, safe, or even justified. We cannot vaccinate our way out of Covid. In fact, currently, the injections are neither preventing the spread or developing the illness itself.
If you look at the history of the 20th century, you can see that the most significant impact on infectious disease has not been vaccines but public health and sanitation. The chart below shows that deaths from infectious diseases were near zero when common vaccines were implemented. Yet, we continue to think we can solve ill-health through mass vaccination.
The rational way to think about the arrival of Covid is to think about restoring and maintaining a sound immune system. Various factors affect your immune system.
By their own admission, health authorities state that people with comorbidities––those with underlying health conditions––are at higher risk. Obviously, as people age, they tend to have more of these issues. Perhaps the most significant risk factor is obesity, followed by diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Most of these conditions are related to lifestyle. This is something we can do something about.
Do we hear anyone in media talking about enhancing the body's wellness so that you have a much better chance for your immune system to fight off an invader? All we hear about are the vaccines despite their ineffectiveness. What we know about the strategy for preventing Covid-19 is much the same as any other condition. Some of these are self-evident.
One way to address the obesity epidemic and cardiovascular disease in many Western countries eating a wholesome and natural diet and engaging in regular exercise. Most people know this but fail to do anything about it. Healthy eating also dramatically reduces susceptibility to diabetes. Junk food is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle.
We also know that vitamin D levels are significant for the immune system. The problem is that many people in the winter months and particularly in northern climates, can be chronically deficient, so supplementing can be very important. We also know that vitamin C is essential for the immune system and the reparative process.
Linus Pauling, who won a Nobel Prize in chemistry, was a prominent exponent of vitamin C in the early 1970s when I was in college. He was mocked for his recommendations in those days, but he was proven right in the end. Today we know that Vitamin C even has some anti-cancer properties.
There is also something that many people omit in a wellness program, and that is chiropractic care. There is a relationship between the spine and the Central Nervous System. We also know that there are links between your immune system and nervous system. Spinal nerve interference can interfere with nerve energy transmission. This can affect many areas of the body and weaken the body's response to external and internal stresses. The role of chiropractic is to remove one of the impediments to normal function by correcting nerve interference.
To reiterate, Covid-19 is just another viral ailment for most; the body can readily handle it. For others, some assistance in therapeutics may be necessary to complement good sound lifestyle choices. It's essential not to fear the illness as this diminishes the immune system's capability by releasing stress hormones.
If you get Covid, the key is to get onto it early. However, like all things in life, prevention is the ideal strategy.