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Are Western Values Disintegrating Before Our Eyes?

The Covid-19 Pandemic

Recently, a pregnant woman in the Australian state of Victoria was handcuffed and arrested. Many were shocked by the video that was posted online. Her crime? She encouraged people to attend a protest against the Covid-19 lockdown in her state. Apparently, she broke the law, so the police decided to make a spectacle of the situation. A warning to this woman would have sufficed.

Notwithstanding the communist-style law, why didn't the police just knock on the woman's door and give her a warning? Have you ever been stopped for speeding or for failing to indicate, and the police officer, in his discretion, let you off with a warning? I thought; how far we have fallen.

The Spanish flu in 1918-19, afflicted 500 million people with 50 million deaths when the world population was 1.8 billion. To put it in 2020 terms, that would be equivalent to 216 million deaths today and 2.2 billion cases. So we have nowhere near that state of affairs. Yet, we shut down economies, which has never been done before and created other health issues for millions of people.

Political Malfeasance

Recently it's come to light that a group of politicians, journalists and even ex-military chiefs have formed the Transition Integrity Project. These people are actively promoting the removal of Donald Trump if he doesn't win a clear majority in the November election. Statements such as ""Do not concede under any circumstances", emanate from people like Hillary Clinton. Plans are afoot to overthrow the President of the United States. This is life imitating art. The 1964 movie, "Seven Days in May", was about the top military brass plotting to remove the President because they opposed his pacifist policies. Does that sound familiar?

We get it; hatred of Donald Trump has fostered a plethora of hostile statements. Most of them are irrational. However, do we elect leaders and then remove them in a coup because we disagree with their policies? Many hated Barack Obama, George Bush, and currently in Australia, Prime Minister Morrison. In democracies, we have elections which represent the will of the people to rectify any perceived wrongs, as opposed to dictatorships.

The irony in all the shenanigans is that the law was broken by the very people who attempted to impeach Donald Trump. The level of political polarization is like nothing that we have seen in our lifetimes.

The Attack On Whiteness

Critical Race Theory is a toxic ideology which basically says that whites are privileged; therefore, non-whites are victims of "racism". So to counteract this, they can take what is "owed" to them. So if you steal or break into someone's home, it's yours. It reverses the long-established penal code with, "If you do the crime, you don't do the time".

The danger of Critical Race Theory is no longer just the teaching of it, but it practical implementation. In the USA, District Attorneys are being elected, thanks to funding from the billionaire, George Soros. The result has been policies of not charging criminals when they do commit a crime or releasing violent criminals who have been imprisoned, out on the streets. This has the added effect of police standing back, rather than being pro-active. After all, who wants to lose their job or be charged with "racism". So naturally, crime is out of control now.

Of course, America abolished racism in law, back in the 1960s. But in fact, the proponents of Critical Race Theory are promoting racism. The danger is that it has infected the universities and the criminal justice system. It's all about the breakdown of American society, which to be blunt, is part of the Marxist modus operandi.

The Sexualization Of Children

The final insidious assault on society is the normalization of child pornography with the Netflix movie, "Cuties". I have only seen the trailers of the movie, and that was enough. Those who have seen the whole movie say that it is pornography involving 11-year-old girls. What is the message Netflix is putting out? People like Geoffrey Epstein and Gillaine Maxwell were imprisoned because of the exploitation of underage girls. Now the largest streaming service in the world is promoting it.

At the same time that "Cuties" has appeared on the scene, a new sinister law has appeared in California. The Governor signed a Senate Bill 145. It gives total discretion to a judge as to whether they put a person who had sex with an underage child on the Sex Offenders Registry. The new law applies if a minor between 14 and 17 has sex in any form with a person who is no more than 10 years older.

All the examples I have cited are indicative of decay in our traditional western values that have served us so well. Fundamental rights and freedoms of law-abiding people are being restricted, while at the same time, we are seeing a devaluation of human dignity. It appears that paedophilia is no longer taboo. We are no longer shocked by anything. That's a sad indictment of where we are.


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