When I was a child, and I became more aware of the world and the universe, I used to ask, "Mommy, where did the universe come from?" She told me that God created the universe. My parents weren't very religious, but they believed in a God. When I asked about when the universe started, my mother would tell me that it always existed.
For a good portion of the 20th century, scientists believed in the Steady State Theory, meaning that the universe always existed. Another theory was given scientific credence when Edwin Hubble in 1929, discovered
that galaxies were rapidly moving away from one another and the universe was expanding. This theory was called the Big Bang Theory.
The Big Bang Theory states that everything originates from a tiny spec––the Singulatory––from which an explosive expansion took place that created all the matter in the universe. Here we are some 13.8 billion years later. Most today accept the theory, and even theologians believe that the biblical book of Genesis––in which God created everything–is a metaphor for the Big Bang.
Some scientists are religious and believe in a God, such as the physicist Dr Gerald Schroeder who wrote the book, The Hidden Face Of God. Other scientists who claim to not believe in God and that everything can be explained by science are still maintaining their own form of religion.
Still others believe that the Big Bang resulted from the contraction of a previously expanding universe and that this process has gone on indefinitely. In other words, it's a form of the Steady State Theory. Who's right? It all depends on your belief system and whether or not it supports your values.
Encyclopedia Britannica defines religion as the following: human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence; they are expressed in terms of one's relationship with or attitudes toward the broader human community or the natural world.
So besides the main established religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddism, and Hinduism, there are many others, since religion is an undying "faith" or attitude towards a sphere of thought. When you think about it, even atheists follow a religion because they are basing their belief on faith.
You cannot prove the existence of God one way or the other. The concept of God is not scientifically provable. I hear atheists state that they "know" that there is no such thing as a God. If a person can say unequivocally that a deity doesn't exist, they behave like a God. Unless that person can explore all recesses of the vast universe, they cannot know one way or the other. So they have a religious belief.
God means different things to different people. I like the interpretation that there is a Universal Intelligence that manifests in all energy and matter, thus maintaining it in existence.
The danger with religion is that it's not a far cry from a belief faithfully followed to one where we enter a sphere of cultism. We see this in the extreme forms of Materialism or Scientism, which believes that everything can be explained by science or experimentation.
Then we have Climate Change, a belief system based on predictions that the earth is "burning up". The science behind this faith is shoddy at best. Many atmospheric physicists and meteorologists do not accept the premise of climate change other than the natural changes that occur over time. We have glacial and interglacial periods related to many factors such as solar activity, changes in the earth's orbit, and changes in the earth's magnetic field. These are natural occurrences.
What makes climate change dangerous and, in fact, a cult is an obsession with the narrative that the earth has less than 10 years to survive. While ignorant young people such as Greta Thunberg promote this hysteria, you even have Prince Charles, who in March 2009 predicted that the world had 100 months left before catastrophic climate change set in. Then because he was wrong, and 2015 passed without incident, he updated his forecast to 35 years. Many others have made ridiculous forecasts that never eventuated.
Probably the most dangerous religion today is Wokeism which is like insidious cancer spreading in our society. Wokeism is a conglomeration of several narratives: Critical Race Theory, White Privilege, Antisemitism, Systemic Racism, Anti-Maths––two plus two equals five––, Cancel Culture and a whole host of other ideas antithetical to freedom-loving people. It shares many of the characteristics of Marxist philosophy and fascism.
Some of the code words for Wokeism are equity, intersectionality, reimagining and privilege. Don't be fooled; what they are against is really the very thing they act out. Their aim is to pummel society into submission.
Wokeism has infested the educational system, government departments, sports and major corporations. While traditional religions such as Christianity are waning along with its values, Wokeism is rampant in its proliferation throughout society. People need to speak out against this cult because otherwise, it will destroy the very foundations of our communities. This, in fact, is the goal of the people behind the cult of Wokeism.