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Free Speech: Have We Lost You Forever?

As you enter Disney’s Magic Kingdom, you are greeted with, “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome.” No, wait; it’s been cancelled. The new greeting is, “Welcome Everyone”. In our contemporary hypersensitive society, even a simple greeting gets censored because it dares to identify two genders, male and female. That’s a no-no in today’s world.

When it comes to the world of Covid, free speech is teetering on edge. There is suppression of reliable Covid data and vaccine injury. Infection rates are increasing in several countries despite increased vaccination rates. How many people know this?

How many people know about the effectiveness of Ivermectin, now verified in many studies. Most people have never heard of Ivermectin from discussion with patients, so those who want to suppress free speech have done an excellent job.

World-renowned medical doctors have been censored off platforms such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Now the Biden administration is working with Facebook to target who they consider is spreading “misinformation”. Hold on now, isn’t this from the same President who wouldn’t take the vaccine because Trump was President?

It turns out that those who are censoring are actually projecting onto others what they are actually doing. Many people are losing trust in their governments, people are refusing to wear masks, people are marching in the streets in places like Paris, and governments are trying to coerce people into vaccination. Why would they need to act this way? Well, the news is getting out; all is not what we are told.

Here are some facts:

  • The mRNA shots work––to a degree

  • Many people who are fully vaccinated are getting Covid

  • In Israel, the most highly vaccinated country, 40% of fully vaccinated get Covid

  • Masks are ineffective against the Coronavirus

  • Each mutation of a virus makes it less deadly

  • Odds of a person under 45 dying if infected: .01%

  • The mRNA shots have an adverse event rate 1000 times that of any other vaccine

The suppression of free speech has infected the corporate world. Companies have self-censored and gone woke rather than confronting intimidation from groups such as Black Lives Matter. They have foregone their First Amendment rights.

Hollywood and Professional Sports have stifled free speech. Just try and have a job in Hollywood if you express views contrary to the official narrative. Actor John Cena recently apologized to China for calling Taiwan a country.

The danger of losing free speech is not just that we become enshrined in a totalitarian state, but we stifle the free-thinking that is so much a part of human growth and development, whether it’s in the sciences or humanities.

The good news in all this is that there is a natural law; nature abhors a vacuum. Where there is a void, something will happen to fill it. Tech-savvy entrepreneurs are creating alternative platforms where people can express their fundamental human right of free speech. Sites such as Rumble, Gettr, Odysee and Bitchute are gaining in popularity. Some of these sites are booming.

Doctors and scientists who have been de-platformed are finding a home in the new tech sites popping up. Some, like Alex Berenson, noted author and investigative journalists, are getting their voices heard, even though they have been censored off Twitter. A few television personalities, such as Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Alan Jones of Sky Australia, are challenging and exposing the lies of government officials.

People are starved for valid information. There is always another side to every story. The establishment and government-media complex have created a distorted narrative. The result is that people will search out the truth.

As you enter Disney’s Magic Kingdom, you are greeted with, “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome.” No, wait; it’s been cancelled. The new greeting is, “Welcome Everyone”. In our contemporary hypersensitive society, even a simple greeting gets censored because it dares to identify two genders, male and female. That’s a no-no in today’s world.

When it comes to the world of Covid, free speech is teetering on edge. There is suppression of reliable Covid data and vaccine injury. Infection rates are increasing in several countries despite increased vaccination rates. How many people know this?

How many people know about the effectiveness of Ivermectin, now verified in many studies. Most people have never heard of Ivermectin from discussion with patients, so those who want to suppress free speech have done an excellent job.

World-renowned medical doctors have been censored off platforms such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Now the Biden administration is working with Facebook to target who they consider is spreading “misinformation”. Hold on now, isn’t this from the same President who wouldn’t take the vaccine because Trump was President?

It turns out that those who are censoring are actually projecting onto others what they are actually doing. Many people are losing trust in their governments, people are refusing to wear masks, people are marching in the streets in places like Paris, and governments are trying to coerce people into vaccination. Why would they need to act this way? Well, the news is getting out; all is not what we are told.

Here are some facts:

  • The mRNA shots work––to a degree

  • Many people who are fully vaccinated are getting Covid

  • In Israel, the most highly vaccinated country, 40% of fully vaccinated get Covid

  • Masks are ineffective against the Coronavirus

  • Each mutation of a virus makes it less deadly

  • Odds of a person under 45 dying if infected: .01%

  • The mRNA shots have an adverse event rate 1000 times that of any other vaccine

The suppression of free speech has infected the corporate world. Companies have self-censored and gone woke rather than confronting intimidation from groups such as BLM. They have foregone their First Amendment rights.

Hollywood and Professional Sports have stifled free speech. Just try and have a job in Hollywood if you express views contrary to the official narrative. Actor John Cena recently apologized to China for calling Taiwan a country.

The danger of losing free speech is not just that we become enshrined in a totalitarian state, but we stifle the free-thinking that is so much a part of human growth and development, whether it’s in the sciences or humanities.

The good news in all this is that there is a natural law; nature abhors a vacuum. Where there is a void, something will happen to fill it. Tech-savvy entrepreneurs are creating alternative platforms where people can express their fundamental human right of free speech. Sites such as Rumble, Gettr, Odysee and Bitchute are gaining in popularity. Some of these sites are booming.

Doctors and scientists who have been de-platformed are finding a home in the new tech sites popping up. Some, like Alex Berenson, noted author and investigative journalists, are getting their voices heard, even though they have been censored off twitter. A few television personalities, such as Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Alan Jones of Sky Australia, are challenging and exposing the lies of government officials.

People are starved for valid information. There is always another side to every story. The establishment and government-media complex have created a distorted narrative. The result is that people will search out the truth. Free speech mustn't die.


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