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The Truth Patrol

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Government Misinformation And Propaganda Are A Serious Threat To Our Democracy

In 1977, a patient came to see me in desperation. He had been suffering from severe headaches for which the medical profession had no answer. Ultimately, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital on powerful psychogenic medication.

Since doctors couldn't help the man, he made his way to my chiropractic office through a friend. Within a couple of weeks of spinal adjustments, his headaches diminished and disappeared. He and his family became devoted chiropractic patients.

This patient avoided chiropractic because the medical authorities stated, "Don't go to a chiropractor, He'll kill you", or "He'll paralyze you". In those days, medical misinformation was rampant. Sadly, we haven't progressed all that much.

Today, there is a vast propaganda campaign to deny people not only life-saving, simple drugs in the treatment of Covid-19, but misinformation has morphed into the "big lie" about the Covid "vaccines".

The other evening I was invited to a dinner with some people you would consider highly intelligent. Yet, all of them unanimously touted their submission to the jab as if they were doing their community duty. None of them questioned if the vaccine was actually working, not to mention the plethora of side effects that people are experiencing. The Israeli Health Ministry now says the Pfizer vaccines are down to only 39% efficacy and possibly lower. Weren't we initially told they were 95% effective?

To make matters worse, a study published in Lancet, showed viral loads in healthcare workers were 251 times greater in the vaccinated who tested positive than in the unvaccinated. At best, we know that if the vaccines are even working, the immunity diminishes to virtually zero after 6 months. The head of Pfizer now admits as much. So what is his solution? More shots.

If we look at the charts of cases and vaccination rates in several countries, one has to question the impact of the vaccines.

Comparing the five countries on the charts, all increases in Covid cases are due to the so-called Delta variant. Israel's case is virtually back to the peak on January 17 (indicated by the blue line). The initial spike in all those countries started to decline after this date. Was that due to the vaccination program?

The vaccination chart below tells us otherwise. On January 17, except for Israel, all the noted countries had less than 1% vaccination rates. Israel, the most heavily vaccinated country, only had a rate of 6.8%. The more logical explanation is that some degree of natural herd immunity was occurring for the original Covid variant. India, with the lowest vaccination rate, has the lowest infection rate.

So what has India done differently? In May, the country distributed Ivermectin in four of the largest states. Mexico did similar with great success. The head of the Mexico City Ministry of Health, Oliva López, said: "that there is enough evidence to use some drugs such as Ivermectin and Azithromycin." People who tested positive for COVID from an antigen test and who were experiencing at least mild symptoms began receiving one of the government's Ivermectin-based treatment kits,

The Mexican government then began a study to track the impact of the early treatment of COVID with Ivermectin on the population. The study tracked 200,000 people, dividing into two cohorts — those who received Ivermectin and those who did not. The researchers found, depending on the region, a reduction of between 52% and 76% in hospitalizations for those who took Ivermectin

So what is causing the increase of the Delta variant? Some scientists believe it is because of the "leaky" vaccines, where imperfect vaccines cause more resistant mutations and are enhancing transmission.

It appears that governments in the Anglo-Saxon countries keep pushing the propaganda of vaccination when there are safe and effective alternatives such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Worst still, some are outright lying, saying that if you take Ivermectin, it will kill you, or it's ineffective. That sounds like the same pronouncements that we used to hear about chiropractic.

The other big lie is that the government wants you to be "safe". How many people are killed globally in car accidents? It turns out each year, the lives of approximately 1.3 million people are cut short due to a road traffic crash. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability resulting from their injury. Why don't we ban cars?

What about alcohol? According to the WHO, 3 million people a year die from alcohol? Well, of course, we can't ban alcohol because governments need tax revenue. The propaganda runs deep.

What about masks? Indeed they protect you, don't they? That's another unscientific edict put out by governments. Many studies have shown them to be ineffective. Watch this video by Immunologist Dr Byrum Bridle.

We are told that lockdowns are necessary to stem the spread of the virus––that they work. Studies in several countries show that they don't appreciably affect deaths, as a recent European study reports.

How is New South Wales, Australia, faring with their harsh lockdown instituted on June 26, 2021? The chart below shows that cases have dramatically increased despite the lockdown.

Locking people up increases re-circulation of the virus indoors instead of outdoor dispersion, plus people become deficient in vitamin D.

Concerning the dispersion of the virus, those plexiglass barriers at supermarkets are not without problems. Viral particles dissipate with free-flowing air movements. The plexiglass actually alters the flow of air and funnels viral particles making them more concentrated.

Unfortunately, lies, half-truths and partial truths are repeated so often that people have accepted these as truths. It's a propaganda tool used for decades by totalitarian regimes. The free exchange of ideas and dialogue is suppressed today. We are reversing the ideals of the Englightenment––the Age of Reason. The result is a severe threat to our democracy.


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