Yesterday I took my dog to a local park so he could get some exercise. When I got there, I realized that I forgot my mask––we were in an outdoor mask mandate. I saw others who were not wearing their masks. People were beginning to see how incredible this is. We were being forced to wear a mask when our whole state of West Australia had a total of three new Covid cases. The government called it an “outbreak”.
We moved into a modified lockdown in which the size of groups was limited. While they try to instil fear into the populace, at the same time, they often break their own rules. They don’t even take a risk assessment consideration into account.
Many have criticized the fact that police forces and governments have been so vehemently against members of the public gathering to protest. This despite groups being tolerated in other situations–including when it comes to sporting events or going to a pub.
For the first time in history, the government can invoke powers under the biosecurity act, making it illegal for citizens to enter Australian territory. There is a current ban on Australians trying to return to Australia from India. This is despite India having a much lower death rate due to Covid than the United States. If anyone is guilty of breaking the travel ban, they could be fined $66,600, five years imprisonment, or both.
Authorities are giving preposterous and unscientific advice. This is exemplified in the recent speech that President Joe Biden gave before Congress. The President and all the members present wore masks and intermingled before the address. Many could be seen fiddling with their face masks. They were not social distancing but did the customary elbow bump instead of handshaking. During Biden’s speech, everyone was spaced apart and were wearing their masks.
The whole thing was quite frankly embarrassing. Perhaps not as silly as Biden on an international Zoom call wearing a mask. Silliness has no bounds. In many countries, including Australia, we are run by petty tyrants.
The whole Covid narrative is based on keeping us safe; our freedoms are unimportant. What few are talking about is the risk. So let’s take a little risk assessment to put things in perspective. The following are data from the National Safety Council (NSC) in the U.S. regarding risk or odds of death from various causes.
Heart Disease: 1 in 6
Cancer: 1 in 7
Suicide: 1 in 88
Opioids: 1 in 92
Car Accident: 1 in 103
Fall: 1 in 106
Covid: 1 in 566
Driving a car: 1 in 610
For Australia:
Covid Death: 1 in 28500
Contracting Covid: 1 in 840
So your risk of dying from cancer or heart disease is many times more than from Covid. Perhaps we should stop driving cars because the risk is almost the same as dying from Covid. If you do get into a car accident, your risk of dying is much higher. Perhaps you should forget about climbing up a ladder or upstairs, as your risk of death is many times more.
In a free society, we are not meant to be run by fear. Totalitarian governments use fear as a weapon of control. Western governments are using these tactics like never before. Covid is not a Biblical plague. It is an infectious disease that can be readily treated successfully in the early stages with several cheap and safe medications, including Ivermectin. The American Journal Of Therapeutics now confirms that Ivermectin is effective in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.
Whether one chooses to submit to the experimental Covid vaccine should be an individual choice based on one’s own risk assessment. It’s evident that the powers that be are not using any rational risk assessment but bludgeoning the public into some sort of submissive control. This is not the way of free democracies.
There is a rush to eliminate risk rather than mitigate it. We can’t get rid of viruses. This won’t be the last one. Is the lockdown mentality going to be the way of the future? Is it going to segue to the “climate change” bureaucracy? Only time will tell.