In 2008, Rahm Emanuel, President Obama's chief of staff, stated, "You never want a serious crisis go to waste". This statement has been used regularly to enact a power grab by the controlling powers in our society.
There are real crises, there are exaggerated ones and some that are manufactured.
The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 was a genuine crisis. An American surveillance plane discovered that the Soviet Union had installed nuclear-armed missiles on the island of Cuba, just 90 miles from Florida. This was an actual nuclear confrontation, and we all felt fear. When President Kennedy imposed a blockade on Cuba, ultimately, the Russian Premier, Kruschev, relented and agreed to remove the missiles. The crisis was averted.
If astronomers saw a kilometre wide asteroid hurtling towards planet earth, and we had less than 24 hours to react, then we would be in an actual state of crisis!
Do we have a manufactured crisis today? There is an obvious one; climate change or global warming, whichever term you want to choose. The powers that be have managed to inject this narrative into common usage that people take as fact. On the contrary, every projection and prediction by the global warming alarmists have turned out to be wrong! In any other industry, these individuals would lose their jobs.
In the 1970s, when "scientists" predicted global cooling, they actually had plans to melt the polar ice caps to warm the planet. Today, the megalomaniac Bill Gates has plans to spray the atmosphere with dust particles to block the sun. This is no conspiracy theory, as you can read in Forbes.
Why is Gates planning this? Well, it's not for money. He has more money than he could ever spend. Gates is power-hungry and is playing God. He wants to "save the planet". It's nothing more than an addiction to power.
As comedian George Carlin once said, "There is nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine; the people are f**ked."
Creating a crisis elicits an emotional response, whether it's the rantings of Greta Thunberg believing the planet only has a few years left or the fear invoked by the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 exists and potentially fatal, especially for a cohort of people; the elderly. The crisis-like atmosphere has been enhanced by severe lockdowns, mask-wearing and the constant drumbeat of Covid news, whether it's on local newscasts or on national news organizations. In Australia, we now have a dedicated Covid-19 T.V. channel.
News organizations on all sides of politics have enhanced their ratings by maintaining a state of tension and hysteria. Recently, it was discovered that CNN Technical Director, Charles Chester, was secretly recorded saying, "COVID? Gangbusters with ratings, Which is why we constantly have the death toll on the side." He actually wanted the death toll to be higher to increase ratings.
Another part of exaggerating the crisis is the report of the number of Covid deaths. It is well known that in America, hospitals receive extra funding for having Covid on death certificates. Many of the elderly who have died did so not because of Covid but with Covid. The CDC acknowledged this by stating that only 6% of all Covid deaths were from Covid alone.
In California, a death certificate clerk, Joy Fritz, who processed thousands of death certificates, stated that "Causes of death are a variable medical opinion, not objective fact."
We can see that ultimately, the crisis keeps going, and the people keep
perpetuating this mentality, promoting more lockdowns, mask-wearing and social distancing. What happens is that government bureaucrats wield absolute power, and people feel powerless with some dire consequences.
One of the most significant cultural narratives of today is that the U.S. is guilty of systemic racism. Unfortunately, this appears to be spreading to other areas of the globe, including Australia. The reality is that America is one of the least racist countries in the world. Certain opportunists, both politicians, media heads and sporting figures, are pushing this agenda.
The difference between the America of today and that of the 1950s is dramatic. Some police shootings of black individuals are perpetuating a falsehood that Police are hunting down blacks. This is not borne out by the statistics. Blacks commit 39% of the violent crime in the U.S., even though they are only 13% of the population. Overall, blacks carry out 60% of the crimes in America. In 2020, Police killed twice as many unarmed whites as unarmed blacks. You don't hear too much about the white deaths.
Tragically, an Australian, Justine Diamond, who was residing in Minneapolis, was shot dead by a black police officer in 2017. She had called the Police because of a neighbourhood commotion. For some reason, the officer panicked when she approached the police vehicle, and he pulled the trigger. It made big news in Australia; however, there were no riots or protests over this overt killing in America. Was her life any less important than that of George Floyd?
The trend now is to stir up the drumbeat of racism. There will always be racists in every ethnic group. I have observed racist and anti-semitic slurs in Australia. However, Australia is not systemically racist. By stoking anti-racism's flames, we are now creating racism itself where white people are becoming the targets. Vilification of one group or another doesn't lead to good things.
Whether it is global warming, racism or Covid-19, the operative word is fear. It is used to manipulate people. By creating fear, those in power perpetuate crises, real or imagined. This is nothing more than a power grab, making those with power even more powerful yet rendering the rest disempowered.