The intention here is not to tell people what to do concerning vaccinating against Covid-19 or not. That is an individual choice. If you have been vaccinated and suffered no ill effects, be thankful.
Week to week, there are increasing reports of severe side effects and even death in people who have been vaccinated. Most people don't die, just like most people who smoke do not die of lung cancer. Statistically, only 6% of smokers die of lung cancer. Smoking is a risk that increases the chances of lung cancer.
The actual scientists––not medical bureaucrats––know that the Covid vaccines induce the body to produce the spike protein. This protein is a toxin, and we also know from research that it spreads to different parts of the body. Some people, of course, cope with this toxin and suffer no ill effects. For others, some of the results are tragic.
Facebook recently deleted a 120,000 member "COVID19 VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES", a rapidly growing group. Big Tech is trying to suppress negative stories about vaccines. The suppression and censorship that tech companies are invoking know no bounds. Even well-respected scientists such as Dr Robert Malone, the developer of mRNA technology, has been censored. Many others, such as Dr Brett Weinstein, have been demonetized or banned from YouTube.
See a recent interview with Dr Weinstein below:
At the same time, governments, including the U.S., Canada and Australia, are doing everything to suppress how valuable, safe drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are in treating Covid and as a prevention for the illness. Studies worldwide show that these drugs are very effective, and we never really needed the vaccine. These medications would have knocked the epidemic on its head. Many people are complicit in denying lifesaving medications.
Big tech and big government are also trying to suppress real people's trauma due to the vaccine, such as Kristi Dobbs, now in a wheelchair, whose mother testified before a U.S. Senator. We now know that there have been more adverse events and death from this vaccine than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years.
Many still don't realize that vaccines are experimental and humanity is part of one big experiment. You see, if authorities admitted that alternative safe and cheap drugs work, the vaccines would never be approved under Emergency Authorization for an experimental vaccine.