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The Goal Of The Covid Industrial Complex Is To Render You Powerless

News Flash: Northeastern Health System Hospital in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, overwhelmed by patients overdosing on the horse de-wormer Ivermectin.

This was reported on a local TV station, then went viral after Rolling Stone Magazine posted the story. The event then went viral, as it was promulgated by all international news outlets. Even here in Australia, there were warnings on TV about not going near Ivermectin because it was horse paste resulting in death and injury.

There was one problem with the story; it was totally fake––debunked. It was fabricated by a doctor who was no longer at the facility.

Interestingly, the story came out the same day that famous podcaster Joe Rogan posted a video, in which he stated that on Saturday, August 28, he developed Covid symptoms. This was confirmed with a positive test the following day. Mr Rogan had the temerity to state that he started treatment with a cocktail of substances, including Ivermectin. One would think he committed murder! Alert: He is a bit colourful with his language.

Let's take the mystery out of Ivermectin. The discovery of the drug was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine. It was initially derived from Avermectin, a compound discovered in soil samples on a Japanese golf course. In 1981 it was marketed as the drug Ivermectin and, with its antiparasitic properties, transformed the lives of millions, curing parasitic conditions including River Blindness (Onchocerciasis) in Africa.

There is no doubt that Ivermectin has antiviral properties, and it is highly successful as part of the treatment regime for Covid-19. Many studies confirm this fact. So why is there controversy about the drug?

Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are safe drugs. In the case of Ivermectin, there have been some 4 billion doses given. It is probably the safest drug on the planet, safer than Tylenol, aspirin or over-the-counter anti-inflammatories. Millions of people take oxycontin, which is highly addictive and kills many each year, yet it is approved. But Ivermectin, that's a no-no.

Shouldn't doctors be able to treat patients upon contracting Covid instead of doing nothing? Shouldn't doctors do what they feel is right instead of being vilified and slandered? Unfortunately, the message coming from the Covid Industrial Complex (CIC) is entirely irrational. Don't treat patients unless they get bad enough and need hospitalization.

Appreciate that the CIC is an amalgamation of the Government, the Pharmaceutical Giants and the Social Media Giants. It is clear what they are doing. Dissent will not be accepted; Covid "vaccines", though ineffective, must be pushed at all costs. If you dissent, you will pay a high price for daring to rebel––for daring to even ask a question.

Recently I received a letter from the Australian government. The point of the letter was a form of subtle coercion with, "get your vaccination", "your vaccination ensures we can all move towards our return to normal sooner", "we'll go through this together". Can you see the subtle messaging?

Everything will get back to normal if you just do what you are told. The CIC is showing their disdain by treating you as children. You could keep your job; you could prove to others that you are an excellent little person by offering your body as a guinea pig for an unproven, largely untested, and very new "vaccine." The long-term consequences are irrelevant.

Comply or face termination from a job. Comply, or you can't enter a restaurant, gym or sporting event. Comply, or you become ostracized from society.

To exert their power over you, the health authorities want to render you powerless. By trashing Ivermectin, they want to push you into submission, to disempower you, so that ultimately you give up and submit. That is the way of tyrannical regimes, and let's be blunt, most governments are operating this way, even if your civil liberties are impacted. Oh, they won't come and shoot you if you dissent, but they will render you like the lepers who were ostracised from societies in ancient times.

As more doctors and their patients incorporate drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as therapies for Covid-19, governments see themselves losing power. The expression "conquer and divide" refers to the goal of disconnecting people to weaken them. When large groups of people empower themselves to use rational therapeutics, they strip the government of its ability to control the masses.

Australia is going in a radical direction. On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, it is confronted with another form of extremism within its own ranks. The government storm troopers in Australia have now banned prescribing Ivermectin for Covid by General Practitioners. Australia, once a liberal democracy, is no more. It is just another tyrannical regime masquerading as a free country, all in the illusion of caring about your health.

The bottom line is that government can't give you health; only you can take control of your own wellbeing. Today, the government is a vicious impediment to the successful treatment of Covid that has led to countless unnecessary deaths, all because of what is really an abuse of their power. Don't let them render you powerless.


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