I have always found the public health authorities to be paternalistic in their advice to us lowly citizens. However, at an alarming rate, what is transpiring is the suppression of individual freedoms and the imposition of totalitarian dictates as if we are all some unruly mob.
There is no doubt now that sinister forces are at work internationally to suppress Covid treatments and at the same time to continue with a narrative that grows weaker with time.
Recently Dr Kerry Chant, Chief Medical Officer of the Australian state of Victoria, stated, "We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order." That was a very revealing statement. In Israel, the Health Minister, Horowitz, was caught stating, "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport." While this was going on, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia banned the use of Ivermectin, despite countless international studies and individual doctors using the product successfully.
A significant reason for suppressing Ivermectin is that it works with other products in the Covid-19 treatment protocol. It is well-established by groups such as America's Frontline Doctors, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and the Covid Medical Network. The push for vaccination at all costs, even if it means people losing their jobs and the suppression of successful treatment on an outpatient basis, is stripping away human rights and bodily autonomy.
The "health" authorities assume that we are unthinking dummies, including the medical doctors entrusted in the doctor-patient relationship to do their best. Many are refusing to accept what they are told and are doing their research. Comparing the most recent data of a few countries shows that things are not playing out quite the way the health propagandists tell us.
The first chart below is of Lebanon. As you can see, the Covid cases peaked in 2021 on March 14, yet at the same time, the rate of vaccination was a paltry .34%. Even today, the vaccination rate in that country is about 17%. The vaccines cannot be having a significant effect. The spike in March was with the Alpha strain, while the smaller upsurge in August was the Delta strain. So what could be a factor in Lebanon? More on that later.
The following chart is that of India. Here as well, a meagre vaccination rate and yet, a dramatic decline in cases. So far, even with the Delta strain, the Covid patients in India are remaining low into September. Once again, a bit later, we'll postulate a reason.
Now let's look at Israel on the chart below. The cases peaked on January 17 and started to decline with the vaccine program barely going—a vaccination rate of only 3.8%. When the Delta strain took hold in August, the vaccination rate was over 60% fully vaccinated, with over 80% receiving at least one dose. So why the rapid increase in cases?
A similar pattern holds for the United Kingdom. A decline was commencing in January with few vaccinated. Then as the vaccination rate rapidly increased, cases started to take off again with the Delta variant.
The final graph below is of the USA. Despite a high vaccination rate, cases are taking off in September. In fact, on the last day on the chart, September 13, the cases are three times as high as they were on September 13 a year earlier. Again, looking back at the graph of the U.K., according to investigative journalist Alex Berenson, "It is now averaging about 140 deaths a day, roughly ten times as many as mid-September 2020."So what is this data telling us?
If we look at Lebanon and Israel, these two small countries are next to one another. Israel is 30% larger in population but has ten times the GDP. Israel, for its size, is a technological and biomedical powerhouse, yet, when it comes to Covid, Lebanon has done much better, in fact, ten times better. One thing Lebanon did was introduce the widespread use of Ivermectin.
Similarly, India encouraged the distribution of Ivermectin packs to many of its citizens. The result was the explosion in cases collapsing in May and June 2021. The largest state, Goa, saw a drop of 90%. India has a population density eleven times that of the USA, yet America has done much worse with Covid-19. The standard of living in India is much lower, so there is only one logical reason for the difference–prophylactic and early treatment with Ivermectin.
Meanwhile, First World countries like the USA are suppressing early treatment for Covid. Australia has gone even further with the preposterous banning of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as early treatment modalities. They have gone full–on with the pretty ineffective vaccines; at best, you get a few months of some immunity. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated are getting Covid and dying from Covid. Then there is the record number of adverse side effects from the injections. In the past, much less severe effects resulted in the cessation of such programs.
The attitude continues to be, don't do anything, except stay at home and if you get bad enough, go to the hospital. Such an attitude is insane concerning medical care. It is unethical and, frankly, results in people dying unnecessarily.
Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic, is one of the safest drugs in history and is no longer patentable, so doctors can prescribe it off-label, meaning for other conditions. Do you think doctors would risk a lawsuit for prescribing Ivervectin if it was dangerous? Such liability is not extended to the producers of the Covid injections when they cause sickness or death.
Because there is not a significant financial incentive, the pharmaceutical companies are doing everything in their power like the government despots in suppressing Ivermectin. The big bucks are in vaccines. The good news is you cannot conceal the truth forever. People are telling others about the success that they are experiencing with Ivermectin as part of a rational protocol for care. It begs the question, where are the adults in the room? Indeed, it's not our government.