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The Greatest Threat To Humanity: It's Not What You Think

The biggest threat to humanity is not Covid-19, global warming or Donald Trump. The most significant danger is, in fact, something I refer to as Global Dehumanization. The promoters of this movement denote what is being planned by the world's global elitists.

Coming in January 2021 is the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland where details of the "Great Reset" are going to be announced. However, we already know what the plan is for this forum because they have already stated it.

The proponents of the Reset have said, "The world needs massive new government programs and far-reaching policies comparable to those offered by American socialists such as Senator Bernie Sanders, and Reprepresentative Ocasio-Cortez in their "Green New Deal" plan. They are preaching blanket socialism for the entire planet.

Rahm Emmanuel, President Obama's former Chief of Staff, stated, "Never let a crisis go to waste." The global elitists have had a crisis drop right into their laps––Covid-19. They are using this as a springboard to climate change and the relinquishing of property rights so that ultimately people own nothing. The end result they postulate is that people will be happy.

Lest you think we are talking about some wacko extremists, let me list a few personalities who will be attending: Prince Charles, George Soros, Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Klaus Schwab (Head of the World Economic Forum), the Secretary-General of the U.N., the head of Greenpeace and Bill Gates, the proponent of mass vaccination. I should clarify, some people do think these people are wacko.

The global movers and shakers see that Covid has demoralized much of the populace through lockdowns, business closures, job losses and a general loss of freedom. Social distancing and mask-wearing have contributed to dehumanization. The end effect of this pandemic is that people and society, in general, have become less connected and this primes society for a great reset which will make life better according to these global schemers.

You could see this coming. Part of the strategy of demoralizing people is to indoctrinate children from early on to hate their country. The memes that whites are privileged, that America is a racist country and that history needs to be erased are all part of this process. The end result is that we are promised a new era, a new utopia. Where have we heard this story before?

The 20th century is replete with the idealism of communism and socialism. The false message is that people would have a life in which they don't have to be responsible for anything and that the state would take care of them. The result would be that society would evolve to a new level of humanity. This is the illusion that socialists everywhere try to sell us. The reality is totally different.

The problem is that whenever the government takes over our lives, we lose something precious––our freedom. Tyranny and totalitarianism emerge, and it doesn't end well. The deaths of millions in the last 100 years, speak to what is in store for us if we go down that path.

Those who fled communist and socialist societies know very well, what awaits the world if we go down the path of a Global Dehumanization. The discredited political philosophies of socialism are unnatural. As humans, we want to achieve, to grow, to better ourselves; we want to own things. It is part of our nature. Going down the path of the Great Reset will not lead to a happy populace. Instead, you will see people walking around with blank stares, devoid of emotion, and just getting through the next mundane day. It will merely be existing, not living.

The so-called elitists who know best will not suffer any change in their lifestyles. They will drive the nice cars, have the mansions and eat the best of food, while the rest will wallow in a demeaning existence.

We must resist this worldwide effort to rob us of our freedom with all our might. If the members of the World Economic Freedom succeed in their ambitions, every country will be negatively impacted.


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