Covid Versus Abortion
In 1957 when I was 11, I came down with a bad case of the Asian flu with fever, aching muscles and swollen glands. My mother was so concerned she called a doctor who came out to the house and gave me a shot of penicillin in my butt. There was no treatment for the flu, but the injection could prevent an even more severe respiratory infection.
The Asian flu was quite nasty. It killed approximately four million worldwide. Since the world population was a third of what it is today, in real terms, the mortality was three times greater than Covid. Also, there were no societal lockdowns and no school closures, except in cases where so many students were at home with the flu. In those situations, it wasn’t practical to keep schools open.
Today, even though we have effective therapies to prevent people from ending up in the hospital, the attitude is totally different. The stage is being set where the mRNA shot is slowly but surely becoming mandatory. Universities and companies are starting to demand it. Children––who are at virtually no risk of death––are being vaccinated.
The media is in on the coercion. We are being bombarded with commercials pushing us to be socially responsible. Do you want to kill grandma and grandpa? Instead of giving grandma and grandpa early treatment with Hydoxychluoroquine, Ivermectin or other available medications, the authorities have cost lives. Once hospitalized, the death rate goes up considerably.
Whatever happened to the mantra of “My body my choice”? If it applies to abortion, why not Covid?
Abortion kills fetuses, but we are told, “My body, my choice”. We can look at the morality of terminating a pregnancy. A fetal heart is beating after 30 days, the nervous system and all bodily organs are fully formed at 90 days. In 10 U.S. states, abortion is now legal in the third trimester right up until birth. This is not just a gel of protoplasm at this stage but a viable human.
America averages 1.2 million abortions, Australia 75,000 and worldwide, there are 40 million annually. Where is the outcry? After all, we’ve obsessed about Covid, which has killed 3.2 million worldwide. Choice apparently, has not been a hallmark of the Covid pandemic because effective early treatment has been suppressed. Recently, cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough stated that this suppression is an outrage and defies medical ethics. The result has been many thousands of unnecessary deaths.
So let’s look at the logic. Aborting a fetus is a choice. So it’s one’s choice to kill life. However, you don’t have a choice––according to the medical establishment––to use Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid. In fact, in Australia, you can be arrested for doing so. But, if the authorities have their way, you would not have a choice because there is a big push worldwide for mandatory vaccination with a vaccine passport rollout. Don’t comply, and you will be ostracized from society. Some choice!
Abortion Versus Capital Punishment
One of the most egregious aspects concerning abortion is if we compare the attitude of abortion to capital punishment. When a murderer takes a human life, many argue that it is immoral to execute the perpetrator. This even includes serial killers. It has never made any sense to me.
The last execution in Australia was 54 years ago. Meanwhile, during the same period, the number of abortions numbers a few million. The U.S. averages 20 executions a year. The number of abortions since 1967 amounts to tens of millions.
In Australia, John von Doussa, QC, stated, “I believe the most compelling argument against the death penalty is that we should respect the sanctity of human life”.
Justice Michael Kirby wrote that “The death penalty brutalizes the State that carries it out. Public servants must prepare the messy business of the termination of human life [the death penalty], a leftover from an earlier and more brutal time”.
So how do you reconcile the barbarism of executing murderers with the killing of unborn fetuses? In the case of the fetus, there is no choice; however, a murderer does have a choice––not to perpetrate a crime. For many murderers, the result is an early release from prison and when in prison, the culprits can avail themselves of TV, the internet and other luxuries of modern living.
The Solution?
We speak of the Covid pandemic; well, we actually have an abortion epidemic. I am not saying that abortion is never indicated; however, the most prevalent reason is that the woman––or man, don’t want to accept the consequences of their behaviour. The excuses can range from economic reasons to not having a stable partner. The bottom line, however, is a lack of moral clarity.
Today, we’ve lost the values instilled by religion. Throughout the Western world, church attendance has dropped tremendously. This is where traditionally, people have received moral clarity. It’s unnecessary to go to church to understand this; however, society and the educational system are so far off base that moral clarity is blurred.
God or godliness has been valuable in giving our lives direction. When we lose the moral fabric of society, the result is rampant behaviour which results in a loss of respect for life. This is where significant change needs to take place.