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The Truth Patrol

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The New Directive: Submission Is The Only Way Forward

For the first time ever, I am ashamed to be an Australian. When I immigrated in 1980, I believed that I was coming to a democratic country with rights enshrined in this Western-style democracy. I did not sign on to live in a country that has suspended our freedoms and has instituted Martial Law, which is more akin to totalitarian dictatorships. This is where we are in Australia today.

Of course, some of the measures instituted by Australian state governments are not unique to Australia. Many countries have suffered from mandated lockdowns, mask-wearing and the suppression of civil liberties. Australia has taken this another step by putting the military on the streets of Sydney.

The irrational and hysterical response to a virus with an overall survival rate of 99.5% is incredible. It is remarkable how successful, ignorant politicians and medical bureaucrats have been in brainwashing the general public so that they live in fear. This makes people comply with mask-wearing, aversion to others and submission to a vaccine that is ineffective.

The invective against those who refuse to submit to the Covid-19 is off the charts in many countries. Some are mandating mass vaccination to return to normal. Others are demanding mask-wearing for children in school. This is unhealthy and a form of child abuse. Most recently a California congressional candidate, Steve Cox, stated," We should be allowed to shoot anyone who makes practical arguments regarding COVID-19". Obviously, this man has lost his mind!

As many vaccinated people as unvaccinated are contracting Covid-19. Masks are known to be ineffective against respiratory viruses. Despite Ivermectin being shown to be effective in many studies around the world, the government keeps pushing on with a failing strategy. Of course, lockdowns also don't work.

Many medical experts are confounded by public health officials' failure to factor natural and virus-acquired immunity into the Covid equation. The media and government keep pushing vaccination at all costs.

Recent CDC data found that 74% of those who tested positive for Covid-19 in a Massachusetts analysis had been fully vaccinated. The CDC also says that "viral load" — indicating how able the human host is to spread Covid-19 — is the same whether vaccinated or not. Misinformation and stupidity abound.

We hear hyperbolic statements from NSW Premier Berejilkian that if people step outside without a mask, they could be on a ventilator by evening. Then there is the West Australian Premier McGowan stating that he will pursue a zero COVID policy even after the state reaches an 80 per cent vaccination rate. Hello! The vaccinated are contracting the Delta strain. The politicians are spewing lies! Vaccination for respiratory viruses is not very effective. We know, for instance, that Flu shots are totally ineffective for the elderly, according to the CDC. What these inept leaders fail to understand are the unintended consequences of their actions:

The damage to society at large is incalculable. These are the unintended consequences of ill-advised policies:

  • The psychological stress of isolation and loneliness

  • The elderly dying without their loved ones present

  • The increase in respiratory syncytial virus from children wearing masks

  • Increase in the suicide rate in children

  • Increase in depression and anxiety states

  • Increase in child abuse

  • Increase in domestic violence

  • Increase in poverty from job losses

  • Increase death rates from a failure of early diagnoses of heart disease and cancers

  • School closures resulting in an educational deficit in children

  • Closure of millions of small businesses worldwide

We can say that the failing policies that Australia has adopted are leading to a death rate far outstripping the deaths from Covid-19. The same is true for many countries. An exception is Sweden, which didn't lockdown and kept its schools open.

A few days ago, I attended a conference call with doctors across Australia. What was stunning was the degree to which doctors now see patients who have suffered adverse events from the Covid injections. Not only do we have mass "vaccination", which is not working, but we have death and injury in unprecedented numbers from those vaccines. Yet, the government keeps pushing on with the same strategy. In a rational world, the vaccines would have been taken off the market.

I think we will look back on this period in history as a black and shameful period when human rights were suspended because of a viral illness. We may, in fact, find that this was never about the virus. Covid-19 gave the authoritarians the green light to wield unbridled power. We may see this play out in other areas of our lives in the coming years.


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